Wednesday, May 9, 2007

It’s About Time

The CBC is reporting that CN Rail has filed a lawsuit against the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory band council and other individuals involved in the protest near Deseronto, Ont. CN claims that the blockade of rail traffic disrupted $100M of goods being transported. Rail passengers had to be shifted to buses to get around the blockade.

At least some action is being taken. By resorting to the courts, CN is attempting to hold people accountable for their actions. Since the police and Federal Government seem unwilling to move quickly against illegal protests (the dispute at Caledonia, Ont. has been ongoing for more than a year, despite court orders), perhaps lawsuits will succeed where the rule of law is failing.

By not enforcing court orders, governments and police are empowering native protesters to be even bolder in the future, without fear of retribution. By selectively enforcing laws, the rights and freedoms of all citizens are diminished. Kudos to CN Rail for doing their part. If only the Government would do theirs.

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