Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Beware Drunk, Tattooed, Pierced, Idiot, Arsonist Bankrupts!

Really, what's not to like? I am frustrated at work right now due to someone whom I affectionately call the DT-PIAB. When you have someone who:
- Has been convicted of drunk driving, bad enough to have a serious suspension, and a breathalyzer installed into their ignition;
- Tattoos (see an earlier post);
- A tongue pierce (and likes to show people it);
- A person who calls themselves a developer, but can't code their way out of a paper bag;
- Who once burned down 45 acres of fields, a quonset hut, AND a house;
- And is just emerging from bankruptcy;
- All in One!

They might not be your best choice for an employee. I could be wrong...but I don't think so! Tattooed? Sadly, not the social stigma it used to be, I could live with that alone. Pierced? Questionable judgement, especially on the tongue, but maybe a youthful indiscretion. Idiot is somewhat subjective to others (but not to me!). But I definitely cannot abide with the drunk driving, bankruptcy, and arson.

All in all, a sad example of humanity, with no glimmer of reforming. If you must be pierced, how about a vasectomy or castration?

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