Monday, December 17, 2007

Happy Birthday Sir Arthur

Sir Arthur C. Clarke, author of 2001: A Space Odyssey, turned 90 yesterday (Dec. 16). ACC is one of my favourite authors. 2001 came out around the time I was born, and I saw it when I was a young man. I loved the huge panoramas of space and the ship, and the voice of the HAL-9000. I have to admit I found the opening sequence (with the chimps) very weird at first, but I came to appreciate it as I grew older and read (and re-read) the book.

Although Isaac Asimov is probably my overall favourite, ACC is right up there. Childhood's End, Against the Fall of Night, The Sands of Mars, and all of the 2001 series. Sir Arthur is also a noted scientist, who helped develop ground control assisted radar, thought up the concept of geosynchronous satellites (you do like long distance, don't you?) as well as developed the idea of the space elevator.

Happy Birthday Sir Arthur!!

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