Monday, June 18, 2007

Cineplex - prepare for a New One!

I did something on the weekend that I rarely do – I went to see a movie. Now I want to Rip a New One for Cineplex and every other major theater chain.

Is it too much to ask that the movie actually start at the advertised time? This isn’t a live event, where delays could affect things. Weather is not a factor. It is not the occasional ‘equipment malfunction’. This is a regular, steady occurrence. And I am not alone! When the movie finally started (only 15-20 minutes late), someone in the show shouted “Finally!”.

I have come to accept pre-show advertising. Trailers for upcoming movies are OK too (they often confirm my desire to NOT attend). If the theater wants to put something on their screen before the movie, they can do that. But surely I am entitled to my time and schedule, and if I plan on a movie starting at 3:35 is it too much to ask that it does? We wouldn’t accept this for other scheduled appointments (although doctors, hairdressers, etc. are dealing with situations that can take longer than planned). The theater knows how long the movie is, there is no excuse for this!!!

1 comment:

Mac said...

I recently went to see a movie this weekend also, and I honestly don't know how long after its designated start time it started rolling. At this point I don't care. I've come to realize a movie isn't starting when it says it is, deliberately get there late, and expect to leave equally 'late'.

Not a fun occurrence if you're not used to it, but the regular movie goers have come to expect this.